Ian Mikyska
viola da gamba, guitars, recorders
The Prague Quiet Music Collective was established with the aim
of presenting music that pays heightened attention to silence, subtle details of sound and the passing of time. We believe that in our hurried epoch of the "economy of attention" and stimulus overload, there is much sense to be found in a quieting that allows us to glimpse the beauty of slowness, impermanence, fragility and detail. We give equal attention to concert programming and to creating a unique environment
for the listening experience. One of our aims is to commission new pieces to include in our repertoire.
"The perfect music is without sound."
– Tao te ching
viola da gamba, guitars, recorders
clarinet, bass clarinet
double bass
Antalová, Michaela: Collision of Galaxies ✶
Beaudoin, Paul: cloud shadows ✶
Demoč, Adrián: Gebrechlichkeit ✶
Demoč, Adrián: Ma fin est mon commencement
Demoč, Adrián: Dream
Dykstra, Jordan: Unstable Position ✶
Frey, Jürg: Longing Landscape ✶
Frey, Jürg: The sound never has walls
Houben, Eva-Maria: by a departing light VI ✶
Houben, Eva-Maria: some musings ✶
Houben, Eva-Maria: this time ✶
Houben, Eva-Maria: within our framework ✶
Labusová, Markéta: Festivities of the dough ✶
Lang, Klaus: my heart is singing like a bird ✶
Langdon, Jack: what form will the spirit take
Lim, Sylvia: Overlapping Transformations ✶
Mikyska, Ian: between mists (brushstrokes) ✶
Mikyska, Ian: Four Walls; Time Lapse (Botanical Garden) ✶
Mikyska, Ian: Da capo al fine ✶
Mikyska, Ian: Three Snows for Four ✶
Mikyska, Ian: Tracings no. 2 ✶
Mikyska, Ian: Utamakura Tetralemma ✶
Mikyska, Ian a Jakeš, Milan: Ryōkan in Banská Štiavnica ✶
Mikyska, Ian, Jakeš, Milan, Dudová Eva: Sitting ✶
Nečasová, Marie: Opening
Reeder, Kory: The Desert
Reeder, Kory: Evening Drawings
Reeder, Kory: Morning
Romig, James: Fortna ✶
Sloboda, Matej: The Thread
Smith, Linda Catlin: Nightshade ✶
Stone, Sophie Louise: reverie ✶
Weeks, James: weedweaver ✶
Weeks, James: ærc duos ✶
Wróblewski, Michal: Variabily ✶
✶ World premiere preformed by Prague Quiet Music Collective